Value Added Courses


To bridge the gap between the academic and industry need, Value Added Courses are conducted regularly in our College. It is important for higher education institutions to supplement the curriculum to make students better prepared to meet industry demands as well as develop their own interests and aptitudes. Our College offers a wide variety of Value Added Courses which are conducted after class hours. These courses are conducted by the faculties of the Department who are experts and help students stand apart from the rest in the job market by adding further value to their resume. Our College has the following courses:

  1.  Self Defence training programme     -           NCC
  2. ICT                                                      -           Physics
  3. Tourism                                              -           History
  4. Gender Studies                                   -           Sociology
  5. Soft Skill                                            -           NCC
  6. Mushroom Cultivation                       -           Botany
  7. Food Preservation and Bakery           -           Home Science  
  8. Environment Sustainability               -           Zoology
  9. MCVP                                                 -           English

The duration of the course is about three months with 40 hours of class (theory-30, practical-10). Certificates are distributed after successful completion of the course.

Value Added Courses for the year 2015-2016

  1. MCVP                                                 -           01.07.2015(32 Students)
  2. ICT                                                      -           01.07.2015(32Students)
  3. Yoga                                                   -           15.07.2015(325 Students)
  4. Self Defence Training for Girls         -           19.08.2015(525 Students)

Value Added Courses for the year 2016-2017

  1. Self Defence Training Programme    -           01.08.2016 (324 Students)
  2. Soft Skill Development Class                        -           01.08.2016 (120 Students)
  3. Yoga Classes                                      -           01.08.2016 (150 Students)
  4. Filling IT Return                                -           01.08.2016 (120 Students)
  5. Career Counselling                             -           01.08.2016 (320 Students)
  6. ICT                                                      -           01.08.2016 (50 Students)
  7. Food Preservation and Bakery           -           01.08.2016 (30 Students)
  8. Tourism Management                        -           01.09.2016 (30 Students)

Value Added Courses for the year 2017-2018

  1. Self Defence Training Programme    -           11.09.2017 (450 Students)
  2. Statistics for Public Policy                -           01.07.2017 (8 Students)
  3. Skill Development Class                    -           24.02.2018 (36 Students)
  4. Yoga Class                                          -           25.02.2018 (97 Students)
  5. Food Preservation and Bakery           -           01.07.2017 (64 Students)
  6. Mushroom Cultivation                       -           02.07.2017 (64 Students)
  7. Communicative English                     -           01.07.2017 (100 Students)
  8. ICT                                                      -           01.07.2017 (125 Students)
  9. Filling IT Return                                -           01.07.2017 (128 Students)

Value Added Courses for the year 2018-2019

  1. Self Defence Training Programme    -           01.09.2018 (500 Students)
  2. ICT                                                      -           01.08.2018 (64 Students)
  3. Gender Studies                                   -           22.12.2018 (64 Students)
  4. Soft Skill                                            -           01.07.2018 (32 Students)
  5. Mushroom Cultivation                       -           01.08.2018 (32 Students)
  6. Food Preservation and Bakery           -           08.08.2018 (64 Students)